My dear faithful in Christ,
The past few days have truly been devastating for the people of the State of Texas. Hurricane Harvey has disrupted the lives of tens of thousands of Americans who are eagerly awaiting for our prayers and support. We cannot remain silent and indifferent when people are being rescued from the threat of death. As I have been watching the dedicated service of the rescue workers and countless volunteers, I felt pride in the depth of my heart to see the unconditional love for the people of God. Each life is valuable. Every drop of our financial support will help to alleviate the pain and the suffering of the people of Houston. I cannot imagine people being rescued in their pajamas having left behind almost everything. Therefore, I urge all of you to open your hearts and act in such a way that your love and care is reflected in God and your allegiance to this blessed nation.
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
The Western Diocese has established a Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. Donations may be payable to the Western Diocese (in memo: disaster relief). All incoming donations will be allocated through the American Red Cross.