The RECLAIM the annual conference, sponsored by the Western Diocese, will take place this coming weekend. “Reclaiming Faith in a Post Pandemic World” is the timely topic this year.
Click here or on the banner below for the RECLAIM 2021 SCHEDULE
With speakers and discussions about faith issues, the Reclaim Conference is a place to come together, explore, question, find and embrace faith in a changing world. The conference begin Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 9:00AM Pacific Time. Registration is necessary, quick and free at
Throughout the Conference three panel discussion will take place focusing on faith and faith-in-action topics. We’re pleased to present the panelists and topics:
Panel #1 topic: Reclaiming Faith in the Post Pandemic World.
- Ani Bakmajian, Clinical Psychology doctorate candidate, Glendale, CA
- Carmen Antonian, marketing professional, St. John, San Francisco, CA
- Vartan Babikyan, subdeacon, husband, father, St. James, Watertown, MA
- Danielle Hazarian, medical device company, Armenian Church lifer, Santa Barbara, CA
- David Madey, Deacon, right-brained engineer, St. Andrew, Cupertino, CA
- Arnold Semionov, subdeacon, Holy Resurrection, Seattle, WA
- Ani Simonoff, pediatric nurse, wife, mother, Armenian Church lifer, Montebello, CA
- Lori Yeni-Komshian, attorney San Francisco Bay Area, St. Andrew, Cupertino, CA
Panel #2: "Faith-in-Action" - our Reaction to the War in Artsakh, the Humanitarian crisis created in Armenia, and our answer through aid and relief.
- Diran Avagyan, Western Diocese Program Director and coordinator of “Artsakh Outreach” Humanitarian Relief
- Andrew Garibian, subdeacon, St. Leon, Burbank, CA
- Dr. Maryam Garabedian, MD BSc., Armenian Church lifer, British Columbia, Canada
- Kevin Kestekyan, Deacon, civil engineer, St. John, San Francisco, CA
- Ohan Kilislian, Deacon, St. Peter, Van Nuys, CA
- Karin Yeni-Komshian, St. Andrew, Cupertino, CA
- Christaphor Movsesian, Deacon, engineer, Armenian Church lifer, Pasadena, CA
- Avak Zakarian, Deacon, Student in Veterinary Medicine
Panel #3 – Bringing it all together – A statement of Faith
- Sevan Movsesian, Deacon, Attorney, Pasadena, CA
- Alex Calikyan, Deacon, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, Armonk, NY
- Nareg Ghookasian, Deacon, St. Leon, Burbank, CA
- Daniel Repchian, Attorney, St. Leon, Burbank, CA
- Delilah Shahbazian, St. Leon, Burbank, CA
- Lynn Saroyan Skaff, School psychologist, Doctoral Candidate Education, Visalia, CA
- Lusine Takmizyan, St. Leon, Burbank, CA
- Ari Terjanian, Deacon and Choir Director St. Gregory of Narek, Cleveland, OH,
co-director of St. Nersess Seminary Summer Deacons' Training Program
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian points to the diversity and youth of the panelists and the maturity with which they tackle very difficult issues facing our day.
Read more about the Conference.
Register today and attend (on-line) with your family-